
NULLCON Women in Security- WINJA 7th February , 2015, Bogmallo Resort Goa

It is a hacking simulated competition where individuals attempt to attack and defend computers and networks using certain software and network structures. The duration of the event would be for 2 hours.

Why be a part of the event?

  • You can test your hacking skills.
  • A unique event for Women in Security and interested in Security (never been done before in an Indian InfoSec conference).
  • To learn different attack vectors for various vulnerabilities and have fun while doing it.


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HasGeek 17th January, 2015, HasGeek House, Bangalore

HasGeek conducts events ( . We will be conducting a one day workshop covering career options and basics of application and network security. It will be a hands-on session. The participants will works along with us. The workshop will also have challenges at the end which the participants will have to crack individually.

InfoSec workshop intends to disseminate information and awareness about web and network applications security. Specifically, the workshop will cover Web Application Security (OWASP 2013 Top Ten) and Network Security using Nmap and Metasploit.

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National Conference for Women police, Trivandrum

As a part of implementation of Flagship Programme on Gender Awareness, Kerala Police hosted a 2-day National Conference on “Gender Sensitization and Empowerment of Women ” for Women Police Officers on 27th and 28th November 2014 at Hotel Taj Vivanta, Thiruvananthapuram. The conference aimed at sharing best practices and experiences of Women Police Officers in different states regarding the empowerment of Women. The theme of this year’s conference was “Women Police – Touching new Heights”. The conference showcased and analyzed the success stories of women in India, with reference to women Police.

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C0c0n 2014 Workshop on Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking – By Women, For Women.

Workshop at c0c0n 2014

C0c0n is an annual Information Security conference organised by ISRA and the Kerala State Police. C0c0n 2014 is a 3-day event. Day 1 has all the workshop events taking place and Day 2, 3 with conference talks, which includes tech talks and panel discussions.

The specialty of c0c0n 2014 was the keynote speaker, Former President DR.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.C0c0n 2014 was held at Crown Plaza, Kochi.

We had submitted a proposal for conducting a workshop for the women participants, as the theme for 2014 was Cybercrimes against women. Our proposal was accepted and we were invited to conduct a full day workshop on ‘Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking By Women For Women’. This workshop was our first event together. The workshop venue was Infopark, Kochi.

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